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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Ok before y'all start a hate campaign!

Ok, since my last blog I've had some backlash from some friends of mine, who, despite being my friends and nothing more, see a tad annoyed that they might fit the criteria of the blocklist.

To clarify. Yes you probably fit the criteria of my blocklist. The same way in which I fit the criteria of many other guys blocklist.

See, essentially the blocklist is a clever way of verbalising to you all the kind of men I will not date. Surely, like Bobby and poor Britters, thats my prerogative.

Jesus I have that stuck in my head now.

Moving on.

Ok, I need to clear up one thing in particular, VERTICALLY CHALLENGED MENFOLK.

Jesus you guys get mad when you are dissed and I totally respect that. And although I hate to backtrack when I've laid the words down... It's not JUST short man syndrome, some of you may not suffer from this, but the guys I have dated/ had lengthy relationships with DID! Now if I had dated every single one of you I could have conducted a detailed psycho-social study, but I haven't, so please leave me to my selfish, judgemental ways. Maybe the guy of my dreams is 5'4...

My sister is 5'4 possibly 5'3, I'd find it weird dating someone the same size as her.

Am I digging a hole?

On a serious note... Isn't it all just down to who we find attractive? I am now asking all MENFOLK whom I have royally fucked off to answer one question?

Could you date anyone you don't find attractive for any length of time?

Lord, Forgive me for not finding 100% of the male population attractive, I know you made each and everyone in your own image, (if this is really true, I recommend Queer Eye For The Straight Guy...) if I go to hell, so be it, I will burn and perish for eternity in a furnace of pain. I know. Amen.

*awaits Christian backlash*

Fire away guys :)

EL xx

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